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Disease Management Program DMP

Disease Management Program (DMP)

DMP Hausarzt Hannover Kleefeld

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Disease management program DMP

Disease Management Programs (DMP) are structured treatment programs that are designed to help you get your disease under control and improve and maintain the quality of life. Your individual care is the focus of these treatment programs. The first goal of a DMP is to reduce the symptoms associated with a chronic illness and to stop it from progressing. Other goals are to avoid complications and consequential damage or comorbidities as much as possible.


Diabetes Type 2

Type 2 diabetes is common. This disease is characterized by a persistently high blood sugar level. In the conversation we will first agree on personal treatment goals, for example for long-term blood sugar (HbA1c). This includes, among other things, drug treatment and other therapeutic measures, training appointments and regular check-ups, sometimes also in other practices or clinics.


Coronary artery disease

The so-called coronary heart disease is a serious disease that will last a lifetime. As a result, the heart no longer gets enough oxygen. The aim of treating CAD is to improve blood circulation in the threatened areas of the heart muscle. With the right treatment, you can live well with it.

They are made understandable about the nature and course of their illness and the benefits of treatment with medication and non-medication are conveyed. An individual course of treatment based on evidence is agreed with you and the interfaces between the family doctor and cardiologist are regulated.


Chronic lung asthma and COPD

Participation in the DMP guarantees patients regular, quarterly or half-yearly medical visits

Check-ups and verification of lung function. In asthma and COPD, drugs that widen the airways (bronchodilators) and anti-inflammatory drugs (cortisone preparations) are inhaled. The inspection of the inhalation technique is part of the process.

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